
Little Gems

Little gems are special things that I experience during my work and that I would like to share

"I don't understand why they don't do this in school! This is so much clearer!" 

(Client, 17 years)

"You are a real teacher." 
"Why? You only know me as a Davis coach."
"Just because. Someone you'd like to have as a mentor."

(Client, 17 years)

"How can my thinking be so different?" 
"Have you ever been to winter sports?" 
"Yes, I have" 
"Did you see people with snowshoes there?" 
"What are these?" 
We looked up what snowshoes look like and saw that you can walk in deep, loose snow with them. 
"Imagine that everyone is born with invisible snowshoes. They look a little different on everyone, just like our fingerprints. In some, the pattern of the snowshoes is almost or even completely closed. Then they actually look more like skis. Can you imagine that?"
"Yes, I can"
"These shoes are supposed to represent our thinking. Imagine that you have these shoes that look more like skis, and you go hiking with the whole class. First there is a meadow, and everything is flat. Everything goes well. Then it goes up a hill and you have to make quite an effort because the snowshoes are so slippery. But it gets even steeper, and now these slippery snowshoes are sliding off with you. You slip, slide backwards, hit a tree, don't see a bump in time because everything is going so fast. It's really bad and you're just recovering down there and have a headache when you hear the teacher calling from above: Where are you again? Everyone is up here but you. You did your best and yet you've ended up in a completely different place and you're feeling miserable too. It just happened to you."
"Hm - So if I learn to ski, then ..."

(Client, 12 years)

Disorientation due to Eating Noises

The man 26 years old explained that he was very annoyed by eating noises. If the nice colleague ate a raw carrot at lunch, he would immediately think how someone can have such bad manners, you can't do that. When friends came around and crisps were on the table there were two options: either put the bowl of chips away or go to the bathroom and wait until everything was eaten.
I had told him about Davis counseling and working with triggers and his question was whether I, as a Davis counselor, could do anything about this. I said this was new to me but it should be possible. We both wanted to try it and were very curious.
After four days, he had learned the Davis tools. He knew his disorientation and could easily regain his orientation using these tools. Then came the big day. He was ready. I proceeded to make the most horrible smacking eating sounds with the most cracking edibles from the cupboard. He told me on a scale of 1 to 10 in mind how horrible it was for him. Each time disorientation arose and his attention disappeared and it felt on his scale usually between 6 and 8. Until suddenly he said, Erika, you can do whatever you want! I remain oriented.
We went to the supermarket together to buy carrots and crisps and I got to choose since I had to smack. No matter how hard I tried the trigger was gone.
A few days later I got an app: I'm sitting in the bathroom to write this app. There are visitors and the crisps are on the table and it doesn't bother me at all. 

website dylsexia.com